Why are Republicans working to bail out ObamaCare and raise taxes?

You can’t make it up. After seven years of promising conservative voters they would repeal and replace, and raising tens of millions off the issue, Republicans are now doubling down in support of ObamaCare. In fact, they are actually going to make ObamaCare worse.

How so?

As impossible as it may seem to believe, Republicans in Washington and the states are working to bail out ObamaCare and simultaneously bring back ObamaCare tax increases that Barack Obama himself suspended because they were driving up health care costs.

Let that sink in.

In the wake of their faux attempt to repeal ObamaCare, many Establishment Republicans have embraced ObamaCare’s so-called cost-sharing subsidies. Commonly known as CRSs, these subsidies are payments the federal government makes to insurers to help offset the high costs of ObamaCare customers.

Read the full op-ed on Fox News