In the wake of the Parkland, Fla., shooting some people are pushing their hopes for gun control, even gun confiscation, while others are virtue signaling and offering no real solutions for actually dealing with school safety, such as raising the age to 21 to purchase a rifle when in fact the average age of a mass shooter in America is 35 years old.
If we really care about school safety, there are some viable solutions. Schools can be made “harder” targets, and with four of my own children in public school, that is my priority. We can protect our children while not infringing on basic constitutional rights.
We need to repeal the 1990 Gun-Free School Zone Act and stop advertising to madmen with guns that almost everyone on school grounds is unarmed.
The act, a brainchild of the Left and passed with the support of milquetoast Republicans in 1990, was a dangerous act of virtue signaling that actually made our schools some of the softest targets in the country.
In fact, most mass school shootings have taken place after the law was passed. We must repeal the act and remove the signs advertising gun-free zones. Heck, replace those with “Armed Guards on Duty” to act as a deterrent, even if no armed guards are present.
In repealing the Gun-Free School Zone Act, you allow teachers and administrators, who are willing, to be trained, armed and prepared if the school is attacked. Some are using the false argument that somehow all teachers would be expected to be trained and armed.
That’s not the point. The point is to give certain teachers the freedom to defend themselves and their students, and to have an “offensive approach” on school grounds at all times.
Read the full Op-Ed over on The Hill.