Never Trumpers don’t represent the Republican base

Never Trumpers have completely lost the plot. They’ve had a year and a half to digest the lessons from the 2016 election and observe the Trump presidency. However, they’ve come to the asinine conclusion that the only way forward is to blow up everything, give power to the Democrats and start from scratch. Apparently, somewhere deep down in the DNA of establishment Republicans, is the nasty “Let’s snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” gene.

It’s no surprise that “Neville Chamberlain Republicans” are highly sought-after guests on mainstream TV and placements in the “best” newspapers in the nation.

Unfortunately, these Never Trumpers don’t represent the Republican base. Rather than provide valuable perspectives on a significant portion of the country that doesn’t have prominent advocates in mainstream media, Never Trumpers feed into the frenzy on the left. But their views and representation have very little to do with the real world.

Read the full op-ed over on The Hill.