The GOP and Independent Voters
The number of self-described independents is increasing, and this growth is at the GOP’s expense.
The number of self-described independents is increasing, and this growth is at the GOP’s expense.
In the weeks following the 2012 elections, the post-mortems revealed how tech-savvy Obama’s re-election operation had been. The campaign built a revolutionary data-sharing platform and had more than 300 technologists and analysts on staff. In October of 2012, polls were showing a very close race, and the president’s approval rating hovered near 50 percent. So …
There has been much wringing of hands over how the Obama campaign’s use of big data and technology was (and is still) so much more advanced than anything we have on the right. Much of this concern is grounded in reality. The left has a big advantage here, and it’s one post-election problem that the GOP …
Right now, conservatives’ technological lifeblood could use a dose of digital steroids. But, some of us on the Right are on, dare I say, the right path.